Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Deadline approaches - module keeps growing

I'm having a hard time controlling myself. I've created two big new dungeons just because I wanted to make two quests involving with a bit of dungeon combat. I have to make sure I won't create any more areas just for a quest.  Well, I shouldn't complain, the quests became pretty interesting and the other area looks a-w-e-s-o-m-e. Seems like I have a thing for underwater/flooded stuff. Added a picture of the caves to the picasa folder - click the slideshow to see it, the slideshow takes its time to update.

Now I should write conversations again... *sigh* Damn, I have too many characters, hah. So much to write - I see nightmares of NWN2 convo editor. No, really I see nightmares that are a mix of Omen and [REC]. Those are so horrible when combined. Well, at least [REC] is. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it NOW! It's a spanish film, but hey, it just adds to the atmosphere!

Also I'm trying to think what's a good level scale for my module... I like low level modules, but then again the combat is sooo slow in them that I usually bang my head on the wall when my rogue is fighting five or more monsters at a time - they miss/dodge well, but not so skilled on the hitting. I'm thinking it should start at 8-10 or so, but it may change.

Oh yeah, due to my extra creative acts of adding more content - and more real life work coming - I'm getting pressures of the beta release, hehe.. It's still a month away, but still I'm having doubts. Writing a good dialogue takes time and I have a whole lot left. And then there's the scripting hell, I'm seriously a poor scripter. I usually have to write a script about 10 times before it works well or I give up.

I'm off to the toolset again, gotta get this thing done, damnit.

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