Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Future work > Epic

Just to show that I'm not just sitting around idly, I'm going to finally post some new shots! This time they're from the overland map that I'm creating. Only been doing it for a few hours now and it's rather different from designing the regular areas. I have to plan things a lot more carefully to avoid any stress later on. At the same time I can relax a bit with the visuals, since the player can't rotate the camera, bwahaha. Still, getting used to scaling everything takes some time.

I've also created a very important interior area in Bellbay! The player will be going there a lot, it will be the base of operations so to speak. Every possible companion will be staying there as well...okay, not every companion, but most of them. Also I have 9 possible companions (actually 2 companions and 7 henchmen/cohorts) for the player at the moment. Wow, the figure sounds so big when I see it as a number. Maybe I'm overdoing it...but then again, only 5 of them will have any real major parts in the story.

I'm curious, what do you people think is a good amount of sidequests in a user-made campaign? I already have several ready in the first part, but will ignore those, they're just 'fillers' to add some background and fun :) Anyway, here are the screens of the early overland map.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Long time no see.

I'm back!

Yes, sorry for the one month long absence. I've been working and studying and bunch of other stuff. Also had a minor loss of inspiration and motivation - the amount of work needed compared to the gains. I should probably join a mod-making team as a story and level designer. That way I could get the most out of modding, those are the things I enjoy the most. Writing the conversations and figuring out the scripts...not so much.

But I'm pretty sure I'm going to finish at least this module before I consider joining a group. Also foil- from bioware forums has offered help in writing. Now I have someone to write for me and someone to proof-read my dialogue. Sweet. I'll just have to think of something for foil- to write. Easier said than done.

But on to the progress of the module. The whole month has been quiet. I've finished hree interiors and created a new one - with a nice 'secret' room. I started working on another side quest too. I'm getting the feeling it won't turn out as fun as I thought it would be, but I guess it won't hurt to add it either, it's not that bad.

I'm holding the creation of Bellbay and the rest of the world of Tarein for now. I decided I should finish the first part of the mod first. There isn't much left anyway. Only a couple more side quests and tweaking and fixing the existing quests. I must say the opening is a whole lot better than in Hearts of Endia. HoE's opening was a bit too vague. This time you will find out a great deal of yourself and the place you've grown up in. Or at least this time the background for the mod is more solid and plausible.

More screenshots coming when I return to the world of Tarein. Next up, Bellbay interiors and the overland world map!